Mike Agranoff

Upcoming Gigs

March 9
2:00 PM
Sharon, MA LAKEVIEW HOUSE CONCERTS Private home in Sharon MA
Email or call for directions and reservations
Sharon, MA 02067
Tickets: $20 suggested donation
Note: This concert had originally been scheduled for March 2.) House Concert host Barry has been a long time fan and supporter of contemporary folk music. He has opened his home to present the very best of singer-songwriters and contemporary acoustic musicians for over 20 years. I am proud to be included amongst these artists in his schedule. Address and directions will be given after you make a reservation.
March 10
7:00 PM
Old Lyme, CT NIGHTINGALE'S ACOUSTIC CAFE Nightingale's Acoustic Cafe
68 Lyme Street
Old Lyme, CT 06371
Tickets: $15
Some cafes offer coffee and pastries, with live music on the side. At Nightingale's Acoustic Cafe, those priorities are the other way around. Nightingale's is the performance space run by the MusicNow Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the support of live music to engage, enrich, and educate youth through musical workshops, programs, lessons, mentorships and performance opportunities making music accessible to all. Reservations are recommended.
April 11
8:00 PM (Potluck at 7:00)
Princeton, NJ SALON 33 A private music room in Princeton, NJ.

Princeton, NJ 08540
Tickets: $20 suggested donation

I was scheduled to perform at this wonderful venue in June 2024, but had to cancel when I caught COVID. I'm glad to say I've been rescheduled. Salon 33 is a concert series in a private home featuring all sorts of different kinds of music from classical to jazz to world music to...yes, even folk. Music starts at 8:00, or arrive at 7:00 for potluck and stimulating conversation.. Reservations are required, and the directions will be given when you reserve your seat. Reservations will open March 30th. Watch this space..
April 25
Sat, 8:30 PM
Marlborough, MA NEFFA Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel
181 Royal Plaza Drive West
Marlborough, MA 01752

Tickets: See Website

Once again I will be featured in the 81st annual NEFFA (New England Folk Festival). It is a full weekend of dance and music, featuring some of the finest bands and callers in the country. I am scheduled to do a session called, "The Lost Art of Recitation", which is provisionally scheduled for Saturday at 8:30 PM in the Sudbury Room. I will be performing some of my own works, both familiar and rarely heard, plus the works of other writers as well.
May 20
8:00 PM
Woodside, NY SUNNYSIDE SINGERS CLUB Copper Kettle Bar & Restaurant
5024 Skillman Ave
Woodside, NY 11377
Tickets: Recommended donation $10
An Irish style folk club, sponsored by Folk Music Society of New York, where people gather to sing one night a week. And once a month they invite a "Guest Singer" (That's me!) to perform. So expect a lot of singing from the audience as well as from me. Raise your glass! "Floor singers" start 8:00. I go on at 8:40. Admission by free will donation. ($10 suggested.)
June 7
7:30 PM
Arlington, MA FRACTAL HOUSE CONCERTS A private home in Arlington, MA
Call or email for reservations and directions
Arlington, MA 02474
Tickets: Suggested $15 - $20
Fractal House Presents is concert (and sometimes comedy) series that aims to bring people together through shared interest in experiences. Suggested donation: $15 - $20.
July 12
7:30 PM
, CONCERT AT DALE & NANCY'S A private home in Doylestown, NJ
Call or email for reservations and directions
, 18902
Tickets: Suggested donation $15 - $20
A concert at the lovely home of my longtime friend Nancy and her sweetie, Dale in Doylestown, PA. It's a great space for a concert, which will be preceded by an optional potluck starting at 6:00. And Nancy is a great cook, so that will be a highlight as well.

October 26
4:00 PM

Woodstown, NJ MUSIC AT FRIENDS Woodstown Friends Meeting
104 N. Main St.
Woodstown, NJ 08098
Tickets: Free
Two years, almost to the day, I'll be returning to this wonderful venue. Music at Friends is a diverse concert series hosted and sponsored by the Woodstown Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Their mission is to bring quality musical performances to our area while utilizing the beautiful setting and fine acoustics of our historic meetinghouse. Concerts are free to the public.