The Modern Folk Musician

1. The Modern Folk Musician

Lyrics © Mike Agranoff & Sam Edelston
Music: Sir Arthur Sullivan

Lead Vocal and Banjo: Mike Agranoff
Chorus: The 'Oyly Pharte Opera Company (Bill Bly, Wes Parker, Pat Rolston, and Riki Cohn)

I am the very model of the modern folk musi c-i-an
I like at once to follow and to satirize tradit-i-on.
I listen to those codgers with their ballads from the days of yore,
And somewhere on a closet shelf I think I have a dulcimore

I've been to Philadelphia, Augusta, and the rest of all
The other many models of the modern folkie festivall
I go there well preparèd with a very large umbrell-i-a
And six or seven gallons of the finest bug repell-i-a.

Six or seven gallons of the finest bug repell-i-a.
Six or seven gallons of the finest bug repell-i-a.
Six or seven gallons of the finest bug repell-i-ell-i-a.

I try to sing in dialect from Cockney to Bulgarian.
I've tried to give up smoking and become a vegetarian.
Though when I sing the melody defies all recognit-i-on
Yet still I am the model of the modern folk music-i-an.

Though when he sings the melody defies all recognit-i-on
Yet still he is the model of the modern folk music-i-an.

I like the songs expressing matters social and political.
Concerning war, you'll find I am particularly critical.
I can't abide misogynistic movies pornographic or
The slaughter of the elephants in India and Africor.

When I'm not busy singing songs opposing all oppress-i-on,
You'll find me with my tape deck at the local Irish sess-i-on.
I've recorded Celtic. I like Southern Appalachian.
From Texas Swing to Klezmer and from Quebecois to Caj-i-un

Texas Swing to Klezmer and from Quebecois to Caj-i-un
Texas Swing to Klezmer and from Quebecois to Caj-i-un
Texas Swing to Klezmer and from Quebecois to Caj-i-a-ji-un

(I know) Bluegrass and Old-Timey are not in the least synonymous.
I even used to know a song whose author was anonymous.
My bearing and demeanor all support the proposit-i-on
That I'm the very model of the modern folk musici-a-n

His bearing and demeanor all support the proposit-i-on
That he's the very model of the modern folk musici-a-n

From nine to five I work as a computer statistic-i-an,
Which makes him quite the model of the modern folk music-i-an.